Sunday, November 26, 2006


I enjoy watching the sunset. For me, it's a form of hope. Another day have passed, thus another day will come. It gives hope to whatever you have in mind. From a broken heart to a broken vase, from a long lost friend to a new acquaintance. For all the things you are longing to all the things you are yearning - HOPE - is all yours for the taking.
There are days when it seems like nothing fell into its proper perspective. Just the same, hang on, and without you knowing, it somehow will. Hoping is a also a choice - you could choose to hope or lose hope. But just the same, choosing to lose hope is still a choice, right?
Why would one lose hope over hoping? HOPE is the ultimate choice, a source of motivation in aspiring to fullfill your dreams. As long as you are breathing - HOPE is out there, waiting. It's how you use HOPE - that would create a difference.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I agree. Hope is so important and is a critical factor in whether a person is happy in life or not!