Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Professional Blogging - The Way to Go?

It has been quite a while since the last time I have posted. I thought of taking time out from my too stressed out life and worries to finally take out the laptop and write.

Writing has always been in my system. When I feel up, when I feel low, I write. When I feel mad, when I am happy, I write. In the modern genre, blogging is to journaling for the not so young (but young at heart, though). For the not so young at heart but nevertheless can still and find time writing, in their diary or in their ever so famous Moleskins, its still the same - journaling.

In the world of high tech gadgets & computers, blogging can be a form of relaxation. It can also be a form of helping out & getting out information via the Web & thus make it a profession. I always thought of making a profession out of blogging. On the other hand, I was thinking where should I go so I can learn how. Writing on blogs is one but professionalizing it is another story.

So, what should one expect in professional blogging & other internet marketing related projects? How would you want your professional blog & other internet marketing related projects be?

Firstly, aside from the knack & the ability to write, one has to know the ins & outs of the profession itself. Secondly, you should know whom to learn it from. Thirdly, your desire & passion to excel in the profession you intend to go to should be par excellence!

With the above, how should your professional blog be? I have enumerated below, six(6) things any bloggers for that matter would want their professional blog be:

> simple but relevant
> because of it's relevance, traffic is enough to be included in the 1st page of the Google list
> because of the traffic, I can monetize it
> because of the passive income I can get from the project/blog, I can spend more quality time with my loved ones & myself
> because I do not have to spend the whole day dwelling on it, I can be relaxed & stressed free
> and most importantly, I am happy with it, thus the passion & desire to continuously develop it is always present

From a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, I would say, that if I scored at least an 8 or a 7 based on the above-mentioned "wishlist" for my blog, as the famous professional blogger & internet marketing guru, Anton Diaz, would say, "I already have attained my ultimate day!"

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